Sara Schuenemann, artist, jeweler and Green Irene consultant is throwing a one-night fundraiser to raise money for her own dental surgery and for the Give Back a Smile charity that helps victims of domestic violence. More than 40 artists have donated tooth-themed art for the event at Pageant Soloveev. It’s a stellar list including Dustin Metz, Judy Gelles, Mark Price, John Freeborn, Hawk Krall, Jessica Puma, Martha Savery, Marta Sanchez, Andria Bibiloni and more.

So why teeth? Schuenemann told us she was born with some front teeth missing. “Genetically people are having fewer teeth,” she said, being somewhat of an armchair expert in the field.

The event is free with donations accepted for drinks and food. The silent auction will be from 6-8 pm.
Sponsors include Beau Monde, Pageant Soloveev, Philadelphia Brewing Co. and the Gillin Company
Music: Captain Bicuspid and The Fluoride Treatment
That Bites: An Oral Fundraiser
Pageant Soloveev
607 Bainbridge
Aug. 14, 6-9 pm