
Cool, crisp cups of Tara Donovan

Tara Donovan's Plastic Cup landscape looked like a part of the polar ice cap trucked into Chelsea to represent the threat of global warming. Click picture to see it bigger. And see more pictures at flickr.
Tara Donovan’s Plastic Cup landscape looked like a part of the polar ice cap trucked into Chelsea to represent the threat of global warming. Click picture to see it bigger. And see more pictures at flickr.

We caught the last day of Tara Donovan’s Plastic Cup exhibit at Pace Wildenstein Gallery in Chelsea. I felt like I was in an ice skating rink waiting for the Zamboni to come clear the rink.

Steve wanted to know who would buy such a thing. I said people will. Let’s ask at the desk. So after doing a lap around the large piece we hovered at the desk til I caught the eye of the attendant who was very sweet and answered all our questions. Yes, there were several potential buyers interested but nobody had “pulled the trigger.” There are 3 million cups I believe she said and they would all be carted off in boxes to be stored until the next time. Donovan always recycles her materials I was assured.

Steve was worried about how you would dust such a thing. I thought you wouldn’t worry about it but just replace it periodically (How much could 3 million plastic cups cost — plus the 4 days of labor that Donovan and assistants put in to install the work.) Steve said it was really the idea you were buying if you bought it. I think that’s right.

