
International drawing opportunity

Here’s an intriguing email from Artblog pal, Astrid Bowlby:

If you like drawing, and accumulated mayhem, you might want to be a part of this project proposed by the artist Giacomo Picca. Check it out and pass it on. take care, Astrid

Drawing by Yunsook Park. I believe it’s from the 2004 drawing show. Words say: I’m drawing from New York. Im not from New York but this photo is. USA

The link takes you to Picca’s call for participants in his second international non-juried drawing show draw_drawing_2_. The last one was in 2004 and you can read about it on the site. The drawings will be in an exhibit in London at the Foundry,July 2006 during the London Biennale 2006.

Here’s the info from Pica’s website on how to participate:

DRAW: Make a line drawing in any medium and any size not bigger then A3, and put your name, the date, the place and country where you are drawing on the same side of the drawing.
NOTE: After the exhibition, the drawings are not going to be sent back but you can arrange to collect them. The drawings are going to be stored as a collection.
ALSO: If you want your name to be included on the invitation card, I have to receive your drawing by the 12 June 2006 otherwise; your name will be included in the electronic card.
AND: I am going to send as many cards as I can but if you want me to post some cards to you, could you please send me a stamped addressed envelope or give me an idea of another way to reach you.
PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY: There will be 5 opening nights and an opportunity for performance on each opening night. If you want to get on the schedule, you can send a letter of intent and a proposal as soon as possible to Pitta at


draw_drawing_ 2
19 Rumford House
Bath Terrace
London SE1 6PW
