
Gross Clinic watch

An email from Patrick Connors

Sunday’s button sales was terrific, thanks to all of you for coming out and saying hello to the “Button Brigade” and buying a button. The more these buttons are seen the better. (By the way these buttons are soon to be collector’s items as we have exhausted the original supply and placed a new order. The new buttons will be burgundy background with white lettering. Be the first on your block to have a blue and burgundy buttons). Every little bit helps in raising funds and public consciousness.

The money argument (which makes us at Artblog a little bit queasy, but go for it)

Two facts may be in order so that the attempt to undermine the truth in this matter can be defeated. First, the Philadelphia Museum is the fifth most visited art museum in the nation and, second, the Philadelphia Museum generates more money for the city than all the professional sports combined. (Thanks to Jeff Snyder of the Philadelphia Museum of Art for those numbers). Imagine the increase in those numbers when “The Gross Clinic” is exhibited here. Although it is challenging, the effort to keep the Gross Clinic in Philadelphia is not only doable but worthwhile. It is a great investment in the future of our city.

[Here] is a link to the Philadelphia Inquirer 12 December story on Charles Cushing ( Philadelphia painter and a sterling member of the Button Brigade) and his full-scale copy of The Gross Clinic.

Kevin Bacon behind Gross Clinic. Yoo-hoo, where are the others?

kevin bacon
Kevin Bacon, seeing the light

Kevin Bacon has joined our efforts. Good man!

Where are our Philadelphians with ties to Philadelphia: Brian DePalma? David Brenner? Patti LaBelle? Rocky, Philadelphia has given you so much now is the time to return the favor. Article on Kevin Bacon here.

Rally Sunday

PMA, Sunday, 17 December, 11AM-Noon. Stop by and say hello to the “Button Brigade.”
… Let’s meet … Sunday 17th December, at The Philadelphia Art Museum at the base of the stairs across from the Eakins Oval at 11 AM-Noon.

Patrick Connors is one of the organizers of the rallies to keep The Gross Clinic in Philadelphia
