
Libby plays catchup

June Blumburg
June Blumberg poses en costume with her self portrait at Muse, which was crowded with too much work–oh, and they moved a couple of doors north of where they were, to the other side of 3rd Street Gallery.

I just got the word yesterday that Caitlin is swamped with school work, so here’s my take on the last First Friday. I for one never made it past Second Street because I had to cut and run to the ICA for the John Armleder-Christian Marclay performance.

Charly Palmer
The Charly Palmer paintings with collage materials at ArtJaz stood out.

But I took some pictures of this and that (Flickr photoset here). Among the highlights were the Charly Palmer paintings at ArtJaz Gallery, the Philadelphia-inspired show at 3rd Street Gallery (work by Ryan Heiser stood out), and the preview of things to come by Pentimenti artists in the Project Room.

Nexus' blow-our one-night sale
Nexus holds its final blow-out everything-must-go sale before it moves to the Crane Art Center

I bumped into Nexus Director Nick Cassway recently and he reported the gallery’s First Friday clearance sale was a smashing success. They got some needed dough and are on the move north. I can’t report on specific dollar amounts, but it’s good news. The bad news–they’ll no longer be part of First Friday.
