
Look! It’s Libby and Roberta, Episode 6

We’ve posted the video for Episode 6 of Look! It’s Libby and Roberta in the column at the LEFT. In case you’ve missed it, Look! It’s Libby and Roberta is our video project with the great David Kessler, who also made the documentary film on Zoe Strauss, If You Break the Skin You Must Come In, screened recently at ICA.

To watch EPISODE 6 of Look! click the picture in the LEFT column. Or Watch EPISODE 6 here. All clicks get you there.

EPISODE 6 covers Asuka Goto‘s MFA show at Temple Gallery and Guariglia and Chen‘s exhibit at Gallery 339. Goto’s MFA show — like all Tyler MFA shows — was a three day-exhibit, and it’s over now. But between now and May 19, there will be other MFA students’ work in Temple Gallery, so be sure to stop and take a look. As for the Guariglia and Chen, that’s up to May 5.

As usual, Libby and I took some photos the day of the shoot.
See more pictures at Libby’s flickr and Roberta’s flickr.

Joseph Borelli, sculptural foam He-Men in his MFA show at Temple Gallery. This work was in the gallery the day we saw Goto's show.
Joseph Borelli, sculptural foam He-Men in his MFA show at Temple Gallery. This work was in the gallery the day we saw Goto’s show.

And be sure to check out our video guru, David Kessler‘s other project, Shadow World, a dreamy immersion in daily life encountered under the El in Kensington. In several short, moody episodes, David captures the people and the place with great empathy.
