
More Reporting from Paris

Post by Charlotte Schatz

[Ed. note: Philadelphia artist Charlotte Schatz made a trip to Berlin, Lyon and Paris this spring and wrote these lively reports on her visit. This and the prior post cover her time in France. The first four cover Berlin.]

Paris has many smaller museums that many people miss. The Picasso Museum in the Marais is housed in a beautiful old building containing many of his original sculptures including the “Goat” and the “Gorilla” where you can sense the artist’s hand.

The Goat by Picasso at the Picasso Museum, Marais
The Goat by Picasso at the Picasso Museum, Marais

There was a special exhibit on Carmen which included etchings from his Taoramachia suite and paintings and prints related to the bullfights.

The last time I visited the Bourdelle Museum, it was small with not too many sculptures. Now it is an extensive collection of his many bronzes including some huge pieces in the garden, drawings and paintings.

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Antoine Bourdelle sculpture, Trocadero, Paris

There is a very large Antoine Bourdelle sculpture outside the Museum of Modern Art at Trocodero. Next we visited the Maillol Museum which is presently located in a beautiful “new” building (also an old “hotel”).There was an extensive collection of his bronzes, drawings and paintings. Also a contemporary installation of a series of jars containing colored pigments mounted on sculpture stands. Almost all the usual pigments were included as the installation moved from room to room.

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David Lunch installation, Foundation Cartier

The David Lynch installation, “The Air is on Fire” at the Foundation Cartier was a sensory experience. He showed large paintings with aglomerations of many objects including food, cloth, objects, sculptures, photographs, music, video. “Better is, probably, to approach this important meeting of paintings, drawings, photos, videos, sculptures and sound editing as the discovery of a new continent.”

Le Nouveau Realiasme at the Grand Palais.jpg
Le Nouveau Realisme at Grand Palais

The Nouveau Realisme at the Grand Palais was an opportunity to see some familiar works in the group setting from which they originated. It was a fun, Dada-ist experience.

I’ll be sending one last report.


Charlotte Schatz is a Philadelphia painter and sculptor. Read Parts 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
