
Some more news blasts from PEI

New grants for small exhibitors

The Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative (PEI) has made some changes to support some of the smaller organizations that are putting on great shows.

Small organizations with an operating budget of under $125,000 are now eligible to apply for funding of up to $40,000 for exhibitions and $7,500 for planning.

Independent curators are now eligible to apply directly (without an institutional sponsor) for funding of up to $20,000 for exhibitions and $5,000 for planning.

This is in addition to the increased funding we mentioned here.

Plus PEI now has a pot of money to help local institutions show outstanding traveling exhibitions.

Look who’s here!

When Dan Fuller landed here in Philadelphia six months ago, he swept us off our feet with all his curating and networking. He’s now program specialist for PEI, with a broad portfolio of responsibilities, but particularly with regard to professional development activities and events.

As an independent curator, in Philadelphia, he organized exhibitions at Copy Gallery (The Day That Went Away), Screening, and the Esther M. Klein Art Gallery (The Great Society).

Here at artblog, we sat up and took notice. The choices he made were edgy and interesting and clearly not cut from Philadelphia’s usual bolt of cloth. We hope that Fuller will have the same kind of impact at PEI that he had all around town.

Check the PEI website for deadlines for grant applications, etc. Some are coming up soon.
