
ALERT! THE MEDIA! It’s Bonnie Brenda Scott at Nexus

Bonnie Brenda Scott
Installation detail from ALERT! THE MEDIA!, by Bonnie Brenda Scott

You want video. There’s video.
You want drawing. There’s drawing.
You want concept. It’s there too.

Bonnie Brenda Scott
Army of the TV-headed army

It’s Bonnie Brenda Scott’s installation ALERT! THE MEDIA! at Nexus. She’s one of three in the current new member show, and she practically takes over the gallery with her energy, her vision and her bold pop colors and wheat-paste/grafitti aesthetic.

Bonnie Brenda Scott
Eyes ‘r’ us

She’s got video projected onto cloth, and videos on monitors. All the videos have eyes. One, 20, 100, I don’t know how many, static, moving, turning into whirlpools of spinning energy and grids of vision. The videos have saturated stripes like Jeremy Blake and stripes like the television on the blink.

Bonnie Brenda Scott

The drawings, many of them on the wall, are of figures, deformed by the television heads in some cases, deformed into tree-like growths in others. The TV-heads are on the march, a sort of pod people for the new millenium. In the smaller drawings, trees with gnarly barks and cancerous branches join with creatures. There’s a sense of surging life forms bursting the bonds of normality and taking over.

Bonnie Brenda Scott
One of Scott’s many drawings of critters/people who are really strange–some sweet, some scary

Scott fills every corner of the space she was allotted in this three-artist show. She even papers the floor with a semaphore of mysterious meaning–a circle emitting an arrow. I have no idea what it means, but again it’s an eye looking, aiming, firing. She’s also got a great little zine, Smarmageddon, and a terrific little notebook both for sale, $3 each!!! (good stocking stuffers)

The notebook with a silk-screened cover by Bonnie Brenda Scott
The notebook with a silk-screened cover by Bonnie Brenda Scott

Also at Nexus, is an installation by new member bilwa, who is a performance artist in Perpetual Mvmt<>Snd, with Emily Sweeney. He curates and both he and Sweeney produce the new Paraphrase series of performances–interactions between art and performance–that have begun at Nexus. Upcoming Wednesday, Nov. 28, peformances by two movement artists, Kathy Ochoa (she’s Canadian) and J. Makary (she’s local), 8 p.m.

Bonnie Brenda Scott
bilwa’s performance space peeking from behind Bonnie Brenda Scott’s wheatpasted column

bilwa has installed a performance space, set, at Nexus with chairs for the audience and non-specific props like boxes. If you’re looking for art in his installation, it’s not there, except if someone–anyone–animates it with their performance. bilwa was there when I stopped in and he said he knows his space is being used because the objects in it keep moving.

Tasha Doremus
by Tasha Doremus

The third new member in her exhibit A Poor Memory For The Future is Tasha Doremus, who put up a few photographs. This one has some ideas in it worth pursuing.
