
Sunday animation delights: Kentridge and Blu

While we’re all waiting for the big William Kentridge tapestries to come in to the PMA for the next Notations installation in the Contemporary galleries (The PMA purchased one tapestry and borrowed 9 more for the installation opening Dec. 12), let’s remember Kentridge for his amazing and labor intensive animations like Felix in Exile whose trademark is the ghostly erasure marks as the artist draws and adds and subtracts material to move the animation forward. Below is a short clip from a Kentridge animation.

Here now, is another artist, Italian-born street artist Blu, with a similar m-o (although with very different content –Kentridge is political and historical and mournful…Blu is mournful without the historical/political context.) The niftiness of the Blu animation is that the drawing appears to have been done on the gallery walls not on a sheet of paper!

Thanks to Adam Wallacavage for the heads up on Blu and on his inclusion in the current group exhibit, The Streets of Europe, at Jonathan Levine Gallery.

While I was looking around I found this nice short piece (below) about Kentridge who speaks about his methods and what fuels him. We at artblog are huge fans of the South African Kentridge and you’ll find many posts if you search our labels or use the search tool at the top of the blog.
