
Saturday’s Kisses for Mayor Nutter

Another couple of artists join the Kiss for Mayor Nutter campaign, a picture protest by artists wondering what happened to the campaign promise to appoint someone to head an Office of Art and Culture.

Look at all those New Faces! Photo taken at City Hall this week at the reception for the emerging artist show New Faces. Here's Mayor Nutter surrounded by artists Lorraine Glessner, Brenda Howell and Caroline Santa.
Look at all those New Faces! Photo taken at City Hall this week at the reception for the emerging artist show New Faces. Here’s Mayor Nutter surrounded by artists Lorraine Glessner, Brenda Howell and Caroline Santa.

Caroline Santa said: I just got home from a reception for New Faces at City Hall. Here’s a picture of Mayor Nutter with me, Lorraine Glessner and Brenda Howell. He was so nice!

[More on the Art in City Hall exhibits at their website.]

Damini Celebre

Hi, I’m Damini Celebre an artist at Sherman Mills. I create Brushworks and teach classes at my studio as a member of B32. I am currently in the New Faces Show at City Hall, running thru May 23rd. I support the creation of an Office of Arts and Culture in Philadelphia!

Thanks to all of you who have supported the Kiss for Mayor Nutter campaign! Keep those kisses coming!
