
Lights, color, 3-D action in the Cave (Paintings)

Isaac Lin
Isaac Lin, detail, from his installation at Fleisher-Ollman Gallery

Not only is there the pleasure of wearing 3-D glasses to look at art at Fleisher-Ollman’s Cave Paintings, but there is pleasure in looking at paint that’s zipping with color in works alive with energy and emotion.

If the gallery’s last outing was an ode to sculpture (the well-loved 2000 Years of Sculpture show), F-O’s offering this month is a tribute to the pleasures of color, texture, line and story, all of which are things paint delivers well.

With seven artists in the show and acres of wall space the artists get to romp and sprawl. Isaac Lin‘s ebullient works, on paper and on the wall, span their corridor like a flattened Macy’s parade with ticker tape to boot.  (I’m sorry I don’t have a shot of the entire installation.  While it’s great, the individual moments are what captivated me and my camera.)

Isaac Lin
Isaac Lin, on the wall

Kate Abercrombie from the Diamond Days series
Kate Abercrombie from the Diamond Days series

Kate Abercrombie‘s new series of gouache on paper works from the Diamond Days series are a terrific new direction. Their references to Indian miniature painting are coupled with a personal 2008 view of the world (laptop computer on the grass, a piano, books and a nice pot bellied lamp and mountains that look like they’re made from crocheted afghans). The works are lovely and dreamy.

Run in and see the show this weekend–it’s a hit of color and warmth to match the spring blossoms outside. Also in the show are Chris Churchill, Charles Fahlen, Mark Mahosky, Bruce Pollock and Mark Surface (aka Steve Powers). More photos at flickr.
