
DUMBO–Clouds! Bridges! Public art!!!

Verrazano Bridge clouds
On the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, leaving Brooklyn. Loved the sky today. I took lots of cloud pix.

This perfect summer day, Murray and I headed up to Brooklyn for a family visit. The traffic was light and we flew (both ways!!!!).

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Tom Otterness, Large Covered Wagon, in Dumbo park, 85 inches high, Prospect Street and Washington Street in Clumber Corner (thanks to DumboNYC for the location info)

In D.U.M.B.O. We stumbled on some art in parks, including a recently installed Tom Otterness, a comic bronze covered wagon driven by a Ma Kettle type. I liked the coveralls and 10-gallon boots on the ox pulling it, and I liked getting a reward for circling to the back, where a tussling bronze girl and boy hung out the back of the wagon, their hats awry. I was surprised no kids were climbing on the thing, but then again, there was only one kid in the patch of green where the sculpture was located.

Michael Mutt, Creature
Michael Mutt, Creature

In Dumbo Park along the water, a couple of the temporary installations caught my eye. I especially liked the multi-plastic arthropod/crocodile monster creeping up from the depths, and I also liked a tricycle made from scrap metal, which charmed with its scale, its bare-bones approach, and its references to a tractor.

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Matt Evald Johnson, The Real Bigwheel

The siting of this was right–near its industrial forebear, the nearby Brooklyn Bridge and its Olafur Eliasson New York City Waterfall installation.

Walking along the street, we passed a carousel in a building, a cause celebre for its owner who wants to install it outdoors, much to the dismay of the neighbors. So what’s the real story, I wondered. After all, who doesn’t love a carousel? I decided that what the neighbors probably don’t like is the owner, a local developer. Well, I made that up (the story, not the developer).

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Clouds, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge, and Olafur Eliasson’s The New York City Waterfalls–the one under the Brooklyn Bridge; the bevy of women in salmon dresses were part of a wedding party getting photoed and videoed; later they posed with a fire truck. Was the groom a fireman? Or does the city lend its trucks and fire fighters for all occasions?

Mostly I took pictures of the sky, the clouds, the bridges–Brooklyn and Verrazano. I know a cloud is a cloud is a cloud. But today, these were my clouds.
