
Video 2: Kelly Richardson’s Twilight Avenger

Here’s a unicorn alert. At Screening Video, Twilight Avenger highlights the magic atmospherics that HD Video can create.

Kelly Richardson, Twilight Avenger, 2008, high-definition video, courtesy the artist and
Kelly Richardson, Twilight Avenger, 2008, high-definition video, courtesy the artist and

Video maker Kelly Richardson, who was born in Canada and now lives in the UK, creates an an enchanted, moonlit forest. A fantastic stag crosses into a clearing. The stag has an uncanny aura that makes me think of heat radiating from bodies in infrared film; but the colors and setting are pure MYST and Lord of the Rings. Beauty and perfection mix with the suggestion of an ambiguous narrative here. But I would have liked to see this on a full-size screen, where the scene might have immersed me in its unnatural weirdness.

Besides auras, the movie emits some eco thoughts mixed with radiation dangers, but mostly I bought into the supernatural beast in the forest–a scary fairy tale, in other words.

This is pure fantasy–quite a different sort of video than the ones at Vox!
