
Tuesday Three-fer

Hello folks, just a quickie to let you know about three great things:

New American Painters of the Middle Atlantic
New American Paintings Mid Atlantic is out and it’s loaded with Philadelphia artists or artists with ties to the region.  Thanks, Arden Bender Browning for the heads up.  Browning is one of the artists who made the issue–congrats!  And here’s the names with Philadelphia ties and congratulations to you all!

Kim Beck, Paul Behnke, Arden Bendler Browning, Amze Emmons, Larry Francis, Robert Goodman, Sharka Hyland, Tyler Kline, Jacob Lunderby, Erica Prince, Erin Riley, Charles Ritchie, Rebecca Rutstein, Kasten Searles, John Garrett Slaby, Anthony Vega

Holy Tattoos:  Screening of Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry at the Seaport Museum
The Seaport Museum is screening the cult documentary, Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry, tonight, May 12, at 7 pm in conjunction with the tattoo exhibit, Skin and Bones.  The film’s about the life of Jerry Collins, the father of modern American tattooing.  $10, general seating. Free rum compliments of Sailor Jerry, Inc!   And while you’re at the museum, check out the high tech Tattoo-a-tron, a video projection tattoo-simulator created by Aaron Igler and Matt Suib.    If you can’t make it tonight, there will be a second screening of the film Oct. 2 at 8 pm.

Art Connect interviews the Artblog
Ahem, we will now toot our horn a little.  Read the email interview between Peter Cowling of AC and the two yours trulys. It’s pretty good if we do say so.
