
Virtual brushes on New Yorker cover

In case you were wondering about the blurry-eyed romantic hot dog stand scene on the cover of this week’s New Yorker, the drawing titled “Finger Painting” is by Jorge Colombo who made it with his finger on an iPod using the Brushes application.  Steve said, Oh there must be a photograph in there that he just fuzzied up.   But a video on the Culture Monster site shows the drawing came into being from scratch without a photo.

There’s a little interview with the artist at the New Yorker’s website…which also says the artist will be adding new iphone drawings to their site every week.

I can’t imagine drawing with a finger on a tiny screen then hitting undo/redo and spinning the color wheel for hue and saturation etc.  But this new plein air virtual drawing tool could spawn an interest in drawing that will compete with photography for capturing the moment.  Could happen.
