
Wanted: a few good artists…and a few good laughs

Some events on our minds for this week:

Thursday, July 16

Sage Projects on South Street, one of the new temporary artist-run spaces,  has an open call for your art for their unjuried show up and show exhibit Dragnet.  Stuff is due in Thursday, 4-8 pm.  No slides or CDs; bring the real stuff.

Dragnet poster for come one come all show at Sage Projects

Here’s their philosophy for this show:

Our mission for Dragnet is to share the walls, floors and ceilings with as many artists as possible, creating an exciting, diverse survey. We place no limits on the type of artwork and accept work on a first come, first serve basis. No judges, no jury, and no commissions.

A reception for the artists will be from 6-8pm on First Friday, August 7, 2009. Show dates Sunday, July 19 through August 30, 2009.

Sage Projects
333 South Street across from the TLA

Richard Torchia (right) speaking with Stephen Shore at Arcadia University in 2006
Richard Torchia (right) speaking with Stephen Shore at Arcadia University in 2006

Also Thursday, don’t forget the Richard Torchia lecture at Vox Populi at 6 pm.  The gallery director of Arcadia University will be talking about the history of alternative art spaces in Philadelphia.  Also free and open to the public.

And speaking of alternative spaces…

Saturday, July 18


Comedy night this Saturday, July 18, at Pifas, part of the Pifas Place roundup of events.
“Get Up Stand Up Comedy”
7/18 @ 9pm-til whenever
Free and open to the public, no reservations required

All exhibits and kiosks of the Pifas Place installation will be on display from about 8:30 on.  But the highlight –we hope– is the comedy troupers including:

Andrew Jeffery Wright
Gavin Riley
Frankie Martin (via skype)
Brian Belott
Annie Pearlman
Leah Shuchter
Margaret Stevens
Brina Thurston
AND more

Also on tap that night at Pifas,
Perineum, in Liv-2-Serv, “a casino gamble to the death with cigarz and booze set somewhere in Africa.”
