Surely you already know about this but just in case…the Philadelphia Museum of Art just increased its admission fees. Here’s the new breakdown:
Adults $16
Seniors $14
Students and children ages 13-18 $12
ages 12 and under: Free
First Sunday of each month is pay what you wish all day.

We’re sad about this but it’s still a better deal than the price of gasoline. And much cleaner for the environment.
People have been complaining in public about this admission rate increase and we want to say that it’s the economy, stupid. Is not the PMA hurting just like everyone else? Did they not already lay off 30 staff in a belt-tightening move? Somebody wrote into the Inquirer decrying the extravagant salaries and parties at the PMA…huh? There are a lot of underpaid overqualified people working at the museum. As for parties, they’re pretty much all fundraisers.
There’s always the membership route–which is the most economical way to get in there.