
Gossip girls

Heads up, here comes some gossip, via Dustin Metz who seems to be connected to everything these days.

Philly Story 1
The New York Times covers Philly art in a story to run sometime this week. NYT photog was on the scene last week snapping at FLUXspace, the PMA, the Fabric Workshop, Mural Arts and elsewhere.  We don’t know who the writer is but look for the story soon.  We don’t know if this is a regional story or a travel story or an art story…

Philly Story 2
Painter and ceramist Sarah Roche curated a show of Philly figurative art at Raritan Valley Community College in North Branch, NJ.  Representing are Jen Packer (one of our fave up an comers) and also Roche’s squeeze and formidable artist of apocalypse now in the parking ramps of America, Mark Shetabi….But that’s not all; we are blown away by the list:

Anne Canfield, Mike Cole, Sidney Goodman, Frank Hyder, Jane Irish, Kate Javens, Rob Matthews, Pam McCabe, Sarah McEneaney, Susan Moore, Jen Packer, Sarah Roche, Hiro Sakaguchi, Bob Scheib, Chuck Schmidt, Mark Shetabi

The Philadelphia Story, Group Exhibition. Sept 8-Oct. 8. Artists’ talk and reception, Friday, Sept. 18, 5:30-8 pm. Raritan Valley Community College Art Gallery in North Branch, NJ 08876 908 218 8876

Watch out Yale
Three young hot artists with Philly connections enter the freshman MFA class at Columbia this year.  Nick Paparone, Jesse Greenberg and former Phillyite Walter Benjamin Smith, who showed at Fleisher-Ollman and Seraphin Gallery, are human Energizer bunnies of art.  They’re going to be hard to contain and that’s a good thing.

Princeton Story
Odili Donald Odita, our town’s Sol Lewitt, is working on commission on a wall painting at a Princeton University dorm.  It’s a new dorm, a beautiful space, says Dustin, who assists Odita on many of his installations.
