
New blahg on the block

We are in love.  There’s a new blog out there that we want to recommend for its humor, its great design chops, its corporate anonymity and its snarky commentary on Philadelphia area art blogs like ours.  artblahg

We just love the sleek two-column format, the blue, black and white colors and the cute use of arrows and invented type.  How did they do that???

Anyway, do you see that it’s just like us–isn’t that fun? They must love us!

In addition to loving us, they seem to love Annette Monnier, Rob Matthews, the Funnel Pages, Philebrity and Edie Newhall.

By the way, we heard about this wonderful blog through Rob Matthews who found an email message from when weeding out his spam folder.  They must have alerted everyone and their brother.

Our husbands and a few family members took a look at the site and said to us “Boy they’re really hostile–they’re really mad at you!”  Maybe — but artblahg may be the coolest smackdown yet. We’re putting them right on our links page.
