
Links roundup from the blog-o-sphere

Just a short list of reading material you might enjoy, campers.

Art in Bars talks about the problem of alternative spaces not being open except by appointment and opines that even if they were open regular hours, it might not gain them more visitors.

Gary Steuer talks about the Knight Foundation’s partnering with Gallup Poll to assess why people like living where they live. What makes a place desirable and satisfying? Philadelphia is one of the cities under discussion in the study and apparently we like our town because of its green spaces and general aesthetics but we’re not too happy with our entertainment offerings and our lack of neighborly friendliness.

Gallerist and blogger Ed Winkelman is launching head-first into an experiment with two artists to turn his gallery into a temporary think tank/work space.

Laurie Fendrich weighs in on Jeffrey Deitch as head of MoCA saying he’s got a conflict of interest as a high profile gallery owner and big time collector.
