Cut-paper meister Joe Boruchow is having a celebration for the publication of his new book Stuffed Animals, tomorrow at Johnny Brenda’s. The book is lovely to hold, with its embossed cover. Inside are images of the cut paper drawings, telling the story of a boy whose nocturnal adventure transforms him. The event will also include a slide show of the book accompanied by an original score (think movie score–move over John Williams). The score will be performed live by The Night Lights, for whom Joe sings, plays guitar and writes witty, often acerbic songs.

Here’s a link to David Hiltbrand’s story on Joe and his book, in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer.
Gotta say, the title of this graphic novella is pure Joe–so be prepared for the dark side. (I guess there’s a theme here–dark side, night-time adventure, and the Night Lights).
Tickets for the event are on sale at Johnny Brenda’s. To buy the book now visit kettledrummerbooks. Stuffed Animals will be available at Philadelphia independent bookstores soon.