
Tate Modern invites FLUX and Vox

FLUXspace is taking a kitty moon bounce to the Tate Modern for a wild weekend in May. It us one of Two Philadelphia collaborative galleries–the other is Vox Populi–that will be in the May 14 to 16 festival, a redux of sorts of the No Soul for Sale festival of independent art organizations, part of the X-Initiative at the old Dia in New York.

Maggie Van Scoyk, Kitten Mittens; Maggie, who has been living in Portland, is coming to Philly and London to help out, I mean have fun

Travel to London ain’t cheap, and both groups are trying to raise money. Here’s where to contribute to FLUX and here’s where to contribute to Vox. FLUX contributors, if you pledge anywhere from $7 to $39.99, you get a postcard mailed to you from London. For $40 or more, you get a hand-screen-printed tote bag in addition to the post card. Vox is throwing in some lagniappe too–to anyone who contributes more than $50–gets a copy of We’re Working on It, the gallery’s 21st anniversary publication.

The curators for the Tate’s No Soul for Sale are the same crew as for the New York version–Cecilia Alemani and Massimiliano (New Museum) Gioni along with artist Maurizio Cattelan. FLUX and Vox participated there too. The folks at FLUX tell me their original connection came to Alemani via the ICA.

FLUX’s inflatable, cat-sized moon bounce coordinates with a cat-themed show, Cat Culture, at their Philly space in May/June.

Live cats will not be allowed in Turbine Hall at the Tate, alas. But little kitten mittens will be part of the exhibit–for protecting the moon bounce from real kitty claws should a kitty get to claw its way in to the exhibit. There’s more related stuff from FLUX and it’s all catty.

Vox’s project is a “clump.” Don’t ask. Well, since you must, it’s a pile of art made by the members, but I’m not exactly sure what that means.

The show celebrates the Tate Modern’s 10th anniversary, and, like the X-Initiative show, it is a celebration of independent and diverse art organizations. Both versions owe a lot to Philadelphia ICA’s Locally Localized Gravity show of 2007, which was a cross between an exhibition and a series of programs that highlighted the collaborative, DIY artist-producers mixing up art, music, and zines.

Here’s the list of the 70 participating art organizations:
Alternative Space LOOP (Seoul), Arrow Factory (Beijing), Arthub Asia (Shanghai/Bangkok/Beijing), Artis – Contemporary Israeli Art Fund (New York / Tel Aviv), Artspeak (Vancouver), Artists Space (New York), Auto Italia (London), Ballroom (Marfa), Black Dogs (Leeds), Barbur (Jerusalem), Capacete Entertainment (Rio de Janeiro), Casas Tres Patios (Medellín), Centre Cinématèque de Tanger (Tangier), Cinema Project (Portland), cneai= (Paris-Chatou), Collective Parasol (Kyoto), Dispatch (New York), e-flux (Berlin), Elodie Royer and Yoann Gourmel – 220 jours (Paris), Embassy (Edinburgh), Exyzt & Coloco (Paris), Filipa Oliveira + Miguel Amado (Lisbon), FLUXspace (Philadelphia), FormContent (London), Galerie im Regierungsviertel/Forgotten Bar Project (Berlin), Green Papaya Art Projects (Manila), Hell Gallery (Melbourne), Hermes und der Pfau (Stuttgart), i-cabin (London), Intoart (London), K48 Kontinuum (New York), Kling & Bang (Reykjavík), L’appartement 22 (Rabat), Latitudes (Barcelona), Le Commissariat (Paris), Le Dictateur (Milan), Light Industry (New York), Lucie Fontaine (Milan), lugar a dudas (Cali), Machine Project (Los Angeles), Mousse (Milan), Museum of Everything (London), Next Visit (Berlin), New Jerseyy (Basel), Not An Alternative (New York), (London), Oregon Painting Society (Portland), Or Gallery (Vancouver), P-10/Post Museum (Singapore), Para/Site Art Space (Hong Kong), Peep-Hole (Milan), PiST (Istanbul), PSL [Project Space Leeds] (Leeds), Rhizome (New York), Salamanca (Jerusalem), San Art (Ho Chi Minh City), Studio 1.1 (Liverpool), Suburban (Chicago), Swiss Institute (New York), The Mountain School of Arts (Los Angeles), The Royal Standard (Liverpool), Thisisnotashop (Dublin), Torpedo – supported by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (Oslo), Tranzit (Prague), Viafarini DOCVA (Milan), Vox Populi (Philadelphia), Western Bridge (Seattle), Western Front Society (Vancouver), White Columns (New York), Y3K (Melbourne), 2nd Cannons Publications (Los Angeles), and 98 Weeks (Beirut).
