
Zoe Strauss’ Under I-95 closes with a bang

It was a hot and sticky afternoon but that didn’t keep the crowds away for Zoe Strauss‘ final Under I-95 exhibition and sale. Here’s some pictures and a few facts:

Claiming his picture, a happy customer at about 3:30 pm. Everybody had to wait til 4 pm to grab the picture.

Somebody counted down the last few seconds before 4 pm and at 4 you could hear the swish of the pictures being ripped off the wall. And lots of people applauded and cheered for Zoe who has just completed an amazing 10-year public art project.

This young woman staked out one of Zoe’s edgy, hard to look at portraits.

Top selling pictures, according to business manager extraordinaire (and sister of the artist) Savannah Roberts, and volunteer Christine Rybicki


the mattress flip

the mattresses with balloons

artblog web guru Kelani Edmundson claiming one of the popular word pictures.

anything with words

People staked out their pillars early this year to claim the picture they really wanted to rip off the wall and take home with them. People’s choices were interesting and Zoe has something for everyone.

Picture stalkers bringing home the goods at 4:01.

People we saw/talked to late in the afternoon when we arrived:  Sid Sachs; Ditta Baron Hoeber and Frank Hoeber; Brent Burket; Paula Marincola; Ingrid Schaffner; Laurence Salzmann; Karen Lightner; Astrid Bowlby, who had been there since 10:30 volunteering; Sarah Roche; Katy Grauer and boyfriend Chris; Kelani Edmundson and Howie Ross; David Kessler; Damian Weinkrantz; Adam Wallacavage and others.

More photos at the Under I-95 flickr pool.
