
TEDxPhilly – ‘Right Here, Right Now’

TEDxPhilly is an independently organized TED event that is coming to Philadelphia on November 18th.  The day-long event will feature speakers from our region with ‘ideas worth spreading’, sharing their work in short-format talks.

Picture 60The event will also feature pre-recorded TEDTalks, exhibitions, and local performers – the best of what’s happening right now in Philadelphia.

That’s where you come in – the TEDxPhilly Team is looking for local artists who are interested in participating in this event by producing a design for the program cover.  Any screenprinter who lives or works in the Philadelphia region is eligible to participate.

All you need to do is create and submit a digital design idea for the cover through the online form by OCTOBER 15th 2010.  The TEDxPhilly team will select the submissions that best speak to the theme ‘Right Here, Right Now’ to run in a series, alongside the prints of other selected artists.

The selected artists will be asked to attend a short meeting, where they will be provided with materials to produce a series of screenprints from their concept.

Mad props will be given to the selected artists in the printed program, and they will receive free admission to the full day event and afterparty.

Get the full details for the project here.
