
Art Safaris Kickstarter campaign launches!

Dear beloved artblog reader,

We know you are an avid supporter of the arts — in Philadelphia and everywhere else — so we are reaching out to you.

We have an important project–funded in part by Knight Foundation–but we need your help in matching those funds, or all that money from Knight will not come to Philadelphia. Our First Friday Art Safaris will bring new eyes to Philadelphia’s important and exciting new art, but your donation is critical!

Today we are starting a Kickstarter campaign — to raise $2,500 for our project.  Check out our Kickstarter page today! And check out the great premiums we are giving away to donors!!!!  As you probably know, Kickstarter is all or nothing. If we don’t raise $2,500 in 30 days we’re cooked and you haven’t lost a dime!

Thanks for your support! Libby and Roberta

And below, enjoy Episode 1 from our first artblog art safari!
