The Nicola Midnight St. Claire (temporarily The New, New Masses)
The gloriously quirky art publication The Nicola Midnight St. Claire held an auction in order to change the site’s name for a month. So if you go to the website looking for the St. Claire you will instead find The New, New Masses with a funny–but slippery–video message about the spirit of giving, consumerism, and internet freedom, plus some holiday “gifs” for everyone to enjoy. Macaulay Culkin, anyone?
Madam chairwoman
After nine years in his role as Chair of the Museum’s Board of Trustees, H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest announced the Board’s election of Constance H. Williams as his successor. Williams, a former Democratic state senator who still is a political powerhouse, is an entrepreneur with a background in marketing, publishing, and public service. She was first elected to the Museum’s Board of Trustees in 2006. Lenfest will continue to act as an active trustee, joining Raymond G. Perelman as Emeritus Chair. We’ve got to be honest. This happened back in April. But we woke up to it yesterday.
ONWARD photographers announced
Project Basho once again has made a video to announce this year’s selected photographers for this year’s ONWARD show, ONWARD Compé 2012. Juror Todd Hido narrowed 2,434 submitted photographs down to a final selection of just 57 photographs from 50 photographers. This year was also the widest international participation, with submissions coming in from 25 countries. We recognize a few names like Sarah Moore, and we’re excited to see a load of Japanese names, so the show promises to be great. The opening will be Feb. 11 from 2 -4 PM.
Megawords and Zoe Strauss at PMA
Do you want to dance? We do. Zoe Strauss has the opening dance party for her show at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Jan. 14 from 8 PM – 1 AM. Tickets at $8 and music will be provided by WXPN’s DJ David Dye. There will also be snacks and a cash bar. Also, from Jan. 21 through April zine-peddlers and publishers Megawords will be setting up shop at the PMA. Visitors to the space can write on the walls, converse, draw in sketch books, take photographs, make publications and browse their collection of books and magazines. The Megawords installation space is in the South Auditorium Gallery every Friday between noon and 6pm.
New Observations reawakens after 10-year slumber
After a 10-year dormancy, New Observations is back with the help of Artist Organized Art Inc. (a Massachusetts non-profit). They will provide a forum for self-organized artistic expression. If you’d like to help with their relaunch, check out their support page!
Is Drawing Dead?
Really? This is a question? Yale School of Architecture will be hosting a forum on traditional techniques in the age of the internet. The symposium begins on February 9 from 6:30–8:00 PM in Yale School of Architecture, Hastings Hall, in Paul Rudolph Hall.
Tyler MFA fundraising
The fundraising goals for Tyler School of Art’s MFA program have been met but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them out some more! Check out their Kickstarter to help them out.
Slingluff benefit for Penn Treaty Park

A group benefit show Jan. 7 from 6 – 9 PM, will raise money for Fishtown’s Penn Treaty Park. Slingluff Gallery is the organizer, and if you like art and public spaces, come out and show your support.
Fabric Workshop breaks attendance record
There has been a surge of record breaking going on these days (see also: Temple Gallery’s attendance quintuples). The Fabric Workshop and Museum has reported that its attendance for Nick Cave’s performance Let’s C pulled in an audience of nearly 800 people. This is surely a testament to the vibrant and dedicated Philly art lovers and community. Congratulations to the Fabric Workshop on its milestone!
Art of the State, Pennsylvania’s annual juried art exhibition has opened its call for entries for 2012. You can find the application here but it must be submitted via snail mail. The deadline is Feb. 29.
Professors are called to nominate students or recent grads for an upcoming project in Portugal as part of the Neu New Festival.
Harpo Foundation will review proposals submitted by non-profit institutions and fiscal sponsors who seek support on behalf of under recognized visual artists. You can find more information on their grant page. The deadline is Feb. 1.
Here are a few public art opportunities available:
#1 – Tough Art Artist Residency Program is currently accepting applications for the summer of 2012. This program seeks to connect artists from across the spectrum of all the arts to the resources and visitors at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. The deadline is March 16.
#2 – The Bureau of Public Art in Lancaster seeks to commission an artist/team to create an original work of art that will be permanently installed outdoors and integrated in a renovated public park. Send digital portfolios and web links with “NEA/Sprite” in the subject line to The deadline is Jan. 30.
#3 – NextFab Two is currently accepting applications for projects. They should have some physical, material component to them but otherwise the project is open-ended. Art, science, invention, or the amazing but inexplicable are all welcome. Visit the submission page to apply by Jan. 6.

Carol Cole has her work featured on Inhabitat’s blog about green design.

Sarah Peoples initially had her project “Bread & Circuses” approved for display at Lincoln Financial Field. The installation included 2,800 white balloons spelling out the words BREAD & CIRCUSES. According to an article in City Paper, the project ruffled some feathers at the Eagles camp, and they revoked her approval. She is currently seeking a new (and potentially better) venue for her artwork; last we heard, maybe Franklin Field.

We already told you that Phil Jackson was moving to NYC, well here’s what he’s up to now: he was recently interviewed for We Are Wild and he is also part of an upcoming show at Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia entitled Dirt is Dirt.
That’s all folks! Have a good one.