
A newsier Artblog–it’s better!

libbyandrobertasgc1People have said to us they like the flow of the new artblog.  We like it too! Here are some of the great, useful new features of our new redesign in a tick list to help you go with the flow so to speak:

  • News posts always at the top left of the front page–We’ve been bringing you news tidbits on Fridays, since last April, with opportunities for artists, news of Philly artists showing out of town, and news of happenings mostly in town but occasionally beyond. People seem to like these posts a lot. So we’ve put them in a prominent spot where they stay up for the week. We thought it would be fun to look more like the New York Times.
  • Podcasts bottom center of the front page–You can easily see our last two podcasts if you scroll down to the bottom of the front page. They stay there for almost a month! People have so much to say!
  • Headline feeds from our media partners and friends–at the bottom left on every page. We thought you’d enjoy easy access to some of the other art newsmakers in town!
  • Less scrolling, less clicking to see the most recent reviews, features and interviews.
  • Better navigation–Our nav bar at the top has more options. Our navigation icons across the bottom take you somewhere new when you’ve reached the bottom of the page. If you’re on a back page, you can find a list of recent posts top left. And we still have our classic navigation tools: search, list of categories, and archives, in the right column, bottom of every page.
  • Contact page— We have made it easier to contact us.
  • Great big picture–we love seeing the large picture on the top post. We are after all an art blog. And we love the little thumbnails for the posts below, so you can access many more posts on the front page but still get a glimpse at their content.
  • Banners galore–We have more opportunities for sponsors to run banners on our pages. Check ’em out. Left column, right column, next to the logo, above the logo, above the icon navigation at the bottom (yes those gray bars (with links) allow you to make your message visible, shorter than Twitter!)
  • And speaking of sponsorships and our beloved supporters, take a look at our two new pages–the supporters page and the sponsor us page; you can find them in the nav bar.