
And the band came marching in – at Hauser and Wirth! A Friday picture post

[Ed. note-This is a new Friday feature, a picture post on a day we publish the news post in the left column.  Short and visually spiffy.  A good way to begin the weekend!]  Just as I was leaving the preview for the dual shows of Michael Raedecker and Mary Heilmann at Hauser and Wirth, a band came marching in. Literally. The Royal British Legion Band, complete with drums and brass instruments and drum major, processed right into the middle of the room of Raedecker’s work. Perhaps just a festive acknowledgement of Mardi Gras, it definitely was a fun and unexpected interruption to the gallery routine. The varied crowd, already buzzing at the opening, had just that much more to buzz about, smiling. It certainly ended the night with a bang.



