
Tim Portlock’s digital simulations – a podcast interview on Artblog Radio

Tim Portlock talks with Libby and Roberta about his high-tech works on paper, made from 3-D imaging software, but which reference 19th Century heroic landscape painting. He tells them he doesn't see his works as photographs, but as paintings. The interview is 17 minutes long.

Tim Portlock
Tim Portlock

Tim Portlock‘s new digital prints, made using 3D animation and gaming software, are influenced by the American sublime landscape painting tradition, he says.  That makes sense if you know that the artist comes from a painting background, where he painted beautiful landscapes, including some murals in Chicago.  Portlock’s new works — which go on exhibit at Vox Populi Gallery this Friday (he is a member) — are indeed painterly, although they are not make with paint. What they look like are birds-eye views of depopulated urban scenes of Philadelphia and other cities.  Working from photographs that he takes, Portlock builds up his cities from scratch.  In his new world order, there are no people in evidence because the artist would rather have you insert yourself into the work.  While he is raising issues about wealth, poverty, and the sad state of American cities, his work is sly and not overtly political.  We interviewed Tim at his home/studio

This episode is edited by Peter Crimmins. The music is by Eric Biondo. Thanks to the Knight Foundation for helping us get the ball rolling on this project. Thanks also to J-Lab‘s Enterprise Reporting Fund and William Penn Foundation for additional support and to our partner WHYY NewsWorks for their ongoing support. Artblog Radio is available on Apple and Spotify!
