
Next week on Artblog Radio – Rebecca Kerlin of Gallery Joe and Christine Pfister of Pentimenti

Gallery Joe and Pentimenti galleries are celebrating their 20th anniversaries, which is really impressive, given how galleries come and go. Both show cutting edge contemporary art that we admire and both are located in Old City, where First Fridays defined hip, joining art and  social excitement here in Philadelphia. Rebecca Kerlin, director of Gallery Joe and Christine Pfister, director of Pentimenti are women business owners in a male-dominated global art world. And, as longtime observers of the Philadelphia art scene, they have interesting things to say about Philadelphia and its place in the national and international art world and how that has changed over the years. In this sample from our interview, the two talk about selling art online and some of the scams that are out there.  Listen to the full podcast next Monday.

Rebecca Kerlin (l) of Gallery Joe and Christine Pfister of Pentimenti, speaking with us Nov. 30

Right click to download 43 second sample from our interview with Becky Kerlin and Christine Pfister
