
New York Art Fairs – Armory Show Contemporary disappoints, Volta not so much

We attended the Armory Show and Volta, something we’ve been doing for a number of years. We may change it up next year because we were a tad bit underwhelmed this year. The free-for-all commercial atmosphere was not so thrilling — maybe we’re getting jaded, who knows.

Below are some pictures of favorite moments at The 2013 Armory Show and Volta. Loads more pictures at Libby’s Flickr (Armory & Volta) and Roberta’s Flickr (Armory & Volta).

The 2013 Armory Show.  We went to both Piers (92-Modern and 94-Contemporary)


Volta 2013 New York — making its debut in Soho (a move from a mid-town hotel).  Four thumbs up on the new location.  And gallerists Becky Kerlin of Gallery Joe and Christine Pfister of Pentimenti, both participants at Volta this year, told us they love the downtown locale.




