
Next on Artblog Radio – Don Camp talks about photography, teaching, and performing magic tricks

Donald Camp makes extraordinary photographs of the human face, mostly, but not exclusively, the faces of African American men. He is creating an archive of faces that are usually excluded in the telling of history. Camp’s ghostly-looking works come about through some traditional photography methods and some very non-traditional methods that involve powdered pigments and scrubbing the paper. There are no editions in Camp’s work – each print is an individual, like each individual is unique. Camp shows his works locally at Gallery 339.  In this clip from our interview, Camp talks about how he likes to see his work hung unframed. See his Wikipedia page, and for images, his Gallery 339 page. Come back next week for the full episode.

Donald Camp in his studio in West Philadelphia
Donald Camp in his studio in West Philadelphia, when we visited him Sept. 3, 2013

