
The Philadelphia Museum of Art unveiled a stunner of an acquisition this week, announcing that they’ve obtained 97 works from Keith L. and Katherine Sachs. We’ve already gotten word that Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly and Joseph Beuys, who won’t be strangers to anyone familiar with the museum’s existing works, are among the offerings, on view in the Modern and Contemporary Wing.

For some, a fearsome Alpine antidote to Yuletide cheer is the main draw of winter. iMPeRFeCT Gallery is chief among the ranks of Krampus enthusiasts, having celebrated this demonic procession at Liberty Lands Park in Northern Liberties for the last three Decembers. They’re now exhibiting the artifacts from the last three years – masks, lanterns, noisemakers, puppets and costumes – made by Krampuslauf Philadelphia artists. The Habergeiß, a part-bird-part-goat-all-gruesome harbinger of Death, is the centerpiece, joined by photographs of Krampuslauf festivities over the last three Decembers. You’ll be able to see all this macabre wonder at Imperfect Gallery from January 18 to February 8, 2014, with an opening reception including an outdoor performance by fire and belly dancers, Krampuslauf Philadelphia sisters Lux Arati, and music by Ed Wilcox and John Cecil Price, not to mention an indoor installation in the gallery’s Red Room by Baron Roane.
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts‘s Dr. Anna Marley, Curator of Historical American Art, has been elected the next Co-Chair of the Association of Historians of American Art! Marley’s three-year term starts in February 2014 at the AHAA’s Annual Meeting in Chicago, as part of the College Art Association’s (CAA) 102nd Annual Conference. Congratulations, Dr. Marley!
For those looking for a way to assist the Marrone family in light of their recent tragedy (covered in last week’s news post), there is a benefit and silent art auction being planned for Todd Marrone’s wife and children. The date and location are TBD.
via Leeway – The Bartol Foundation, ever ready with constructive workshops, is offering a new one for those considering teaching artist residencies. The Marketing Working Group: Let’s Talk Money takes place Thursday, January 30, 2014 from 9:30am- 12:00pm at the Foundation’s offices on 1501 Cherry Street. The session covers how to set fair prices for your teaching artist activities, budget for all parts of a project, and develop budgeting chops.
ICA’s upcoming exhibition Ruffneck Constructivists is a somewhat participatory one, with artist William Pope L. looking for photographers (from professionals to iPhone lovers) to send in images of crowds, which he will then use to create a new work for the show. You may send anywhere from 1–1,000,000 head-on shots of crowds or groups waiting on a street or train platform, watching a sporting event or concert, waiting to get their picture taken. The main gist is for people (for whatever reason) to be looking in the same direction. A diverse mix of people is desired – old, young, white, black, etc. Ideally, heads should be about 1″ when printed. Medium shots are best. Want to join in? Email for an upload link.
Artist News
Jon Rafman is part of a new publication edited by Omar Kholeif, titled You Are Here: Art After the Internet. The first major publication to critically explore both the effects and affects that the Internet has had on contemporary artistic practices, You Are Here evolved from a yearlong residency at the SPACE-run art centre The White Building. The publication is launching this spring at various sites. If you’re interested in pre-ordering a copy, write to Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe at

The most recent greetings we got from Dustin Metz were not in the best of health – three months ago he broke and dislocated his ankle, which is now full of metal screws. We are so very sorry, Dustin! Having to recuperate from an injury is not something anyone ever looks forward to, but if you must, SoCal is not the worst place to do it. Maybe that’s how Dustin’s managed to update his site with some enticing new work while recovering in southern California.