
Next on Artblog Radio – Renny Molenaar and Rocio Cabello of Germantown’s IMPeRFeCT Gallery

Renny Molenaar and Rocio Cabello came to Philadelphia from New York in 2002 to raise their family and  get involved in the art community.  They started their community gallery, IMPeRFeCT Gallery, in 2012  on Greene Street in Germantown, not a traditional locale for an art gallery. But the warm and welcoming couple immediately found their audience — everyone in the Germantown community nearby, and many, many Philadelphia artists, and their gallery quickly became a neighborhood anchor, with interesting shows open to everyone, a community Last Supper of the month and a spirit of can do that comes straight from the core of both of them. Rocio and Renny are both artists. Renny studied art at Rutgers and Pratt Institute and was an artist in residence at the Fabric Workshop and Museum a few years back. Rocio, who did graphic design for many years, is also a gardener. In these two clips from our interview Renny talks about the long line of artists in his family, and Rocio talks about the “aha” moment when she connected with her childhood roots and turned to gardening. Our interview happened Nov. 4, 2013. We’ll have the full podcast episode for you next week!

Rocio Cabello and Renny Molenaar at our interview Nov. 4, 2013, at IMPeRFeCT Gallery
Rocio Cabello and Renny Molenaar at our interview Nov. 4, 2013, at IMPeRFeCT Gallery
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