
Artists I’ve Shot

Jaime Alvarez’s photo post is part of an occasional series of images taken in artists’ studios when Jaime is shooting professional images of artworks. (Jaime is also a fine art photographer and member of Tiger Strikes Asteroid gallery.) The candy-colored object is a calibration tool to help the photographer calibrate the color for the photo shoot. Jaime asks the artist to hold the calibration tool. Sometimes the artist puts him- or herself into the photo, and sometimes all you see is the artist's hand reaching into the frame and holding the calibrator. The result is a working image made in support of the finished photographs. This is a behind-the-scenes look at a working process the photographer uses to “get it right”. The photos have some whimsy and mystery, and we love the calibration tool, which reminds us of an eye shadow makeup kit. For more information on Jaime, visit him at –the artblog editors


Michelle Oosterbaan
Shot: January 10th, 2014
