
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This week on the Artblog Reader Advisor: Pittsburgh presents itself as an art hub, French museums realize it’s time to take inventory, and Emma Watson lends a little too much goodwill to the United Nations website. — the Artblog editors]

“Portrait of Ms. Ruby May, Standing” by Lena McCall.

Rhizome Day is De Rigueur: Dazed Digital Does Net Art

Dazed Digital

The Unbelievable Negligence of French Museums


Art Censorship Is Alive and Living in London!


How the Pittsburgh Biennial Aims to Put the City on the Map

The Art Newspaper

Installation view of John Chamberlain: Choices (2012) in the Guggenheim rotunda. Photo courtesy of Jacinda Russell.

Good God, Guggenheim! When Will You Work With Women?

Art F City

Colorado Catches Up: Judge Declares Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

Denver Post

From Hermione Granger to Goodwill Ambassador: Emma Watson Partners With the United Nations

Mother Jones

The CIA Has a Style Manual (And Writer’s Guide for Intelligence Publications!)


