
Live comments! Kay Healy’s Lost and Found at the Free Library

[I was out at the Free Library last night for Kay Healy‘s talk about her work and to see her new installation in the first floor Home Page Cafe. Kay’s project is a story project. She collects stories from people about objects that they have lost and what they feel about those objects. Peter Crimmins did interviews with the participants and you can hear the stories here.] I collected some Live Comments at the opening.  The audio is brief (under 2 minutes).  Give a listen!  Want to comment on a show?  Look for me tonight at First Friday events in Chinatown. Or, send an email with your written comment to and we will include it in the next Live Comments]

wall display in cafe
Kay Healy, Lost and Found, Home Page Cafe, Free Library.
bulletin board with notes
Kay Healy, Lost and Found, Home Page Cafe, Free Library. Bulletin board to submit stories about your lost object.
hand-written note
Kay Healy, Lost and Found, Home Page Cafe, Free Library. Note submitted about lost object
hand-written note
Kay Healy, Lost and Found, Home Page Cafe, Free Library. Note submitted about lost object