
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This weekend on the Artblog Reader Advisor: You can now see “Truther” art at the 9/11 museum; HuffPo helps you match your Matisses to your mantelpieces; and several musically and comedically gifted ladies ask why their art has to be labeled “women’s work”. — the Artblog editors]

More Met vs. MoMA News: Vanity Fair Heats Up the Discussion, via Vanity Fair

Open Relations With Cuba Means Exchange of Art With Major Museums, via NY Times

Still life painting
Djamel Ameziane, “Untitled” (2010).

Art and Imprisonment: The Unique Works of Guantanamo Detainees, via Hyperallergic

In Discovering Plethora of Looted Works, Italy Lucks Out, via The Guardian

9/11 Museum Receives New and Intriguing Art, via Newsweek

Huffington Post Has Published a Curiously Astute Guide to Buying Art for Your Home, via Huffington Post

Women talking
Via Gawker.

Women Discuss Making Art as Women in the Patriarchal Art World, via Gawker

Strange But True? Using Death to Interpret Art, via New York Magazine
