
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This week on the Artblog Reader Advisor: London is mad, and not in the British way; a new app promises to increase reading speed; and one woman turns her identity-theft case into an art show. — the Artblog editors]

Spray Day, Spray Day! New Street-Art Reality TV Show Premieres, via Variety

Station Desecration: London Mad About Mosaic Mistreatment, via the Guardian

The Berkeley Art Museum, via DailyCal
The Berkeley Art Museum, via DailyCal.

College Art Project Shuts Down Atlanta Highway; Students At Fault Clearly Aren’t Urban Planning Majors, via ABC News

Enjoy This Retrospective of the Berkeley Art Museum Before It Moves, via DailyCal

To Preface a Mockingbird: Harper Lee’s New Novel Actually a Prequel of Sorts, via the New York Times

paolozzi guardian
An Eduardo Paolozzi mosaic in the London Tube, via the Guardian.

Case of Stolen Identity Turns Into Art Show, via Wired

New Art Storage Facility Opens This Fall, Emphasizing That Art Collecting Is All About the Benjamins, via Artnet

New App Helps You Read Faster, Harder, Better, Stronger, via Huffington Post
