
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This month’s Reader Advisor posts are brought to you by our guest editors, the Nicola Midnight St. Claire, or Nicola, as she sometimes likes to be called. Today: Baltimore, upheaval, and outrage. — the Artblog editors]

There is only one thing you should be reading and talking about.

Image courtesy of Huffington Post.

“When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con,” via the Atlantic

A bit old but still true, via the Daily Beast

Even black Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake uses the word “thugs” to describe the upheaval in her city. When will guilty police be referred to as thugs?, via the Washington Post

When white people riot, it’s usually because a sports team won or lost a sports activity.  However, their acts of violence and vandalism are rarely cast as shameful or thuggish. Remember, rioters in Baltimore and other cities are responding to years of systemic and institutional violence ignited by the murder of a community member, and not because a group of men lost a child’s game, via Mic

Reports that gangs from across the country were gathering in Baltimore to kill cops seems to not actually be the case, via WBLTV

Even the chief operating officer of the Orioles gets it, via USA Today
