
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This weekend on the Artblog Reader Advisor:

As many of my friends are well aware, if there is an opportunity for me to ironically invoke a sports-crazed patriot and chant “USA! USA! USA!” in a local drinking establishment while watching plasma on a screen, I will generally try to make that happen. And this past month did not disappoint, as the Women’s National Soccer Team took home the most prized championship in all of sports: the FIFA World Cup. In case you did not know, this basically means that the USA has generated the most superior team of athletes playing the most complex and beautiful game in the known universe.


There is something not quite right here. Something weird and gross that I can’t quite put my finger on that is ruining the whole experience… Via Mashable

Righttttttt. But hold on: maybe that’s just one throwaway post by an anonymous blogger at FIFA, which is a giant organizing body. Surely, the MEN in charge of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association have more sense than to… Via The Guardian

Errrrrrrr. But Sepp Blatter is just an old man with outdated and patronizing views on women. I bet the ORGANIZATION of FIFA treats their female athletes with the tangible respect they deserve… Via ThinkProgress

Yeah, that does seem like a low blow. But it’s probably because fewer people watched this World Cup, right? Via The New York Times

Well, that’s good news, yes? The silver lining to all this? Via

