
Join Artblog + St. Claire for 2016 public discussion on art criticism

Announcing! Our second public discussion about the role of art criticism in Philadelphia! Please join us on Sept. 28. - Artblog Editor

Artblog and St. Claire Audience at Panel April 2015

Offering insights into the general state of art criticism in Philadelphia: its strengths, its weaknesses, its causes and effects, its defining characteristics, its responsibilities, its audiences, the New Art Writing Challenge 2016 Roundtable Discussion offers thoughtful discourse about something we talk about, worry over, and have opinions on, but only few of us do: art writing and reviewing. Join this important discussion Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016, 6PM – 7:30PM, Vox Populi, 319 N. 11th St., 3rd floor. Sit in our circle and listen and offer your ideas and thoughts about art writing and the personal and institutional constraints that define it and propel it.

New Art Writing Challenge 2016
Roundtable Discussion—Art Writing and Criticism in Philadelphia

Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016
6PM – 7:30PM
Vox Populi
319 N. 11th St., 3rd floor, Philadelphia 19107


More information about the New Art Writing Challenge Contest and how to apply.

Discussion Leaders
Suzanne Seesmanartist, educator, co-director, The St. Claire (moderator)
John Museartist, educator, researcher
Hammam Aldouriwriter, essayist, philosopher
Meredith Sellersartist, educator, writer

Sponsored by Artblog and the St. Claire
