
Jonathan Lyndon Chase talks painting and queer lives matter

Roberta talks with Jonathan Lyndon Chase, young artist on a meteoric rise. Two solo shows (in NY and Philly) and several group exhibitions for this 27-year old, who is articulate about his empowered paintings of the black gay male. - Artblog Editor

Artist Jonathan Lyndon Chase
Jonathan Lyndon Chase, at our talk on Jan. 11.

In Jonathan Lyndon Chase’s paintings, faces go from cartoony (masks, they say) to realistic.  The subject is the body, the black male body, the black queer body. Jonathan, who got their MFA from PAFA in 2016, is soft-spoken but intense.  Easy to talk with and direct in their answers, no BS. Four of their works are in the current Fleisher-Ollman exhibit, “Person, Place or Thing,” up to Jan. 28. Among other things in this conversation, Jonathan talks about their materials. Their works are filled with materials-brio. Their paint drips and glops, sometimes there is glitter and spray paint. Collage elements are sly but full of content. Embroidery freed them, in college, and gave them the way to connect materials to their subject of bodies. They grew up Baptist, and they have a lot to say about how the pulpit can be destructive to the community. Check out the artist’s website.

The podcast took place on Jan. 11, 2017, and is 30 minutes of good talk.

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. Listen to the interview with Jonathan Lyndon Chase at the TGMR site here.
