
Congratulations, Holly Brigham on “Sacred Sisters,” Velvet Glove interviews Astrid Bowlby, Imani Roach pens essay/feature on Sharon Hayes’s Monument in Rittenhouse Square, plus some unbelievable Opportunities!

Props to Holly Brigham and her collaborative artist book, "Sacred Sisters," and props to Velvet Glove on their interview with Astrid Bowlby. The PA Council on the Arts needs an Executive that you? Read the News Post for more.

Books and Good Reads AND Good Talk

Holly Trostle Brigham, "Sacred Sisters," book pages with painting by Brigham and poem by Marilyn Nelson and book design by Mary Ann Miller. Page shows Hillarie Batista de Almeida, Sister of the Good Death, Bahia, Brazil, Aug. 14, ca. 1850
Holly Trostle Brigham, “Sacred Sisters,” book pages with painting by Brigham and poem by Marilyn Nelson and book design by Mary Ann Miller. Page shows Hillarie Batista de Almeida, Sister of the Good Death, Bahia, Brazil, Aug. 14, ca. 1850

Congratulations, Holly Brigham, for your collaborative project and artist book, Sacred Sisters, now included in collections of the Smithsonian Institution and at these colleges — Swarthmore, Oberlin, Penn State, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Lafayette College, Smith College. Holly told me that the book, (see the book here) which incorporates her paintings of esteemed (but under-known) women in history like Hillarie Batista de Almeida, Hildegard von Bingen and Henriette de Lille, with poems by Marilyn Nelson, is an edition of 12 and it looks like it’s on its way to selling out! The star-wheel, book design and execution is by artist MaryAnn Miller.

Haven’t made it out to Arcadia University Art Gallery to see much beloved artist and educator, Astrid Bowlby’s big oven mitt in her show When the Shadow is not your Shadow, guest-curated by Yuka Yokayama and David Dempewolf of Marginal Utility? Well, get up there, and as a warm up, catch the recorded interview Abby King did with Astrid at Velvet Glove! Good talk about making art, the audience and many other things.

Also, have you seen Sharon Hayes’s monument in Rittenhouse Square, part of Monument Lab? Amble over and climb up on the interactive piece, and by all means, read Artblog Managing Editor Imani Roach’s essay/feature on Hayes’s monument. The piece debuted on Artblog recently and it’s beautiful, do not miss it!


From Maeve Coudrelle, Temple Art History Graduate Student and former Artblog Artist and Social Responsibility Assistant Project Manager, who’s helping to organize the Print Think conference, Graphic Mimicry, that, she says, “should be a great conference, with a variety of talks from artists and art historians, as well as a student exhibition and print demos!”

GRAPHIC MIMICRY – October 21-22
Register Now!
Registration $75
Students and Tyler Alumni: $20
Seating is limited.

Print Think 2017 features artist talks, lectures, exhibitions, conversations, and demonstrations, with noted international scholars and artists, including:Christiane Baumgartner, Anders Bergstrom, Shira
Brisman, Susan Dackerman, Phyllis McGibbon, Madeleine Viljoen, Imin Yeh, and more.

This year’s conference, titled Graphic Mimicry: Intermediality in Print and the Art of Imitation, will examine the intervisual dialogue between prints and other media from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Co-sponsored by Tyler’s Printmaking and Art History Departments, we will attempt to answer the question: how did this ability of print to adeptly mimic nearly every other art form and to assert itself within the discourses of other mediums become one of it’s greatest strengths and a critical tool for contemporary printmaking?

For questions regarding conference registration contact Tyler Continuing Education: 215-777-9010
For general conference questions email:


Icebox Project Space open call for video proposals – Deadline: October 29th

Win a future screening in the Icebox and receive a $500 stipend.
Deadline: October 29th, applicants to be notified early November

The Icebox Project Space is pleased to announce a call for entries for projects- send us two current work samples and a project proposal to be considered. Too often artists are asked to submit and exhibit with no compensation. The Icebox will offer a $500 stipend to the chosen artist, to be used at their discretion, with the aim of completing and screening the proposed project in Spring 2018.

To be considered:
Send an email, including:
-2 relevant work samples (as links)
-A project description (no more than 300 words, include why this should screen at the Icebox)


For more information please visit Icebox Project Space website.

Commonwealth of PA seeks Executive Director of Pennsylvania Council on the Arts – Deadline Oct. 15, 2017, midnight

Yes, really, check it out and apply…It doesn’t say it is a temporary job so we hope there’s money in the budget to fund the Council and its programs and staff going forward!

Temple University Institute of Dance Scholarship seeks Scholar in Residence – Deadline October 30, 2017

Scholar-in-Residence Program

The Dance Department at Temple University invites applications for a week-long Scholar-in-Residence Program as part of the Institute of Dance Scholarship. At the time of application, the candidate must have held a PH.D for at least four years, and have a track-record of significant and original scholarship. The visiting dance scholar will share new research in dance, and engage in collegial feedback sessions with their designated faculty partner and mentoring with a graduate student. Spring 2018 residency dates will be negotiated according to availability and scheduling.

The Institute of Dance Scholarship will provide:
•5 nights’ accommodation
•5 days of per diems ($65/day)
•Travel expenses up to $1250
•Honorarium of $1500

The Scholar-in-Residence will:
•Deliver two guest classes
•Read and provide feedback on a draft chapter by a PhD dance student
•Read and provide feedback on draft writing by a dance faculty member
•Provide a draft chapter of your own work in preparation for a feedback session with one of the dance faculty
•Offer an “open office hour” for interested graduate students

To apply, please submit to Prof. Merián Soto ( by October 30, 2017:
• An updated CV
•2-page statement outlining your current research activity and how it would benefit from engagement with specific Temple Dance faculty.
