
Grand Ballroom of Doom

One panel comic of a person in a flower dress and glasses speaking through long connected speech bubbles that swirl in a circle.


A person in a flower print dress, sunglasses, and pearls walks down a street. Their right hand clutches a purse on their side and the left hand is upturned to emphasize their speech. Each idea they express is separated into a different speech bubble, and they connect and swirl around the panel, taking up the majority of the composition. The bubbles are surrounded by cats, dogs, spiders, bats, flowers, a snack, and a brick wall.

Person in flower print dress: Folks, I’m all for political protest… as long as it’s peaceful…
And Don’t block roads
or sidewalks, or parks,..
…. or if it’s near a holiday
Or if I need something from Walmart…
…When it’s an athlete, musician, or actor…
… No sitting or kneeling…
…Not on a game day…
…or like, if someone is eating at a fancy restaurant…
… Or when the hypothetical scenarios in my head don’t hold up…
… Gotta respect all the businesses…
… or if I’m tryin’ to sleep…
… Or if other people take advantage of the instability for unrelated law-breaking…
… Or if people publicly express lifestyle choices that I don’t understand…
… Don’t want it to implicate me personally…
Don’t wanna hear words outside my vocabulary…
… Would rather not question my core beliefs…
… or when… … untested conceptions of patriotism are being scrutinized…
… Or when like… it’s sunny outside and I don’t wanna be reminded of bad stuff happening to others
Y’know, peaceful!
