Since 2018, The Velocity Fund (TVF) has supported 52 projects by Philadelphia-based artists, with grants of up to $5,000, paid to the artists directly, for projects including – a traveling cabaret, an alternative phone book, community ceramics, a speculative time portal, a documentary film project and environmental sculpture. That list alone shows the breadth and diversity of the artists and projects TVF has supported. More information on previous year’s award-winning projects: 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Here are comments from two past recipients of The Velocity Fund awards speaking to the importance of the awards for their projects:
“The Velocity Fund helped me take myself seriously as a producer and small business. With their support my company, Dusky Projects, was able to complete the second season of our podcast and continue to employ women in voice over, sound direction and design. The Velocity Fund helped me further my mission of creating opportunities for women of color in horror and sci-fi,”
– Wi-Moto Nyoka, Horror/Sci-fi Writer and Arts Educator, 2021 Velocity Fund Grantee
“Some times we artists feel isolated when building our practice and believe that no-one is paying attention, but some times, fortunately for us, there are foundations that work with honest, clever, passionate people who help them see clearly who is in the field, working hard, artistically motivated by this inner force needed to transform things around us for the greater good. Velocity Fund is giving that much needed support with a direct process where you only have to show who you truly are.”
– Cesar Viveros, Public Artist/Community Activist, 2021 Velocity Fund Grantee

Through free Information Sessions held at various community group locations and available online, The Velocity Fund promotes this funding to a diverse population of artists and makers. Being available in person (or online); answering questions and sharing examples of winning projects from past years, the Velocity Fund team makes the application process more readily accessible and helps broaden the pool of applicants in the city. The 2022 Information Sessions begin March 31 and run through June 2. The latest dates and times for the sessions are on the News/Events page at The Velocity Fund’s website.
Community partners for the 2022 Information Sessions are: The Leeway Foundation, CFEVA, Philadelphia Folklore Project, Vox Populi, Sachs Program for Arts Innovation, TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image, Icebox Project Space, NextFab, and uCity Science Center’s Venture Cafe.
The applications open March 25, 2022 and application deadline is June 6, 2022.
About The Velocity Fund
The Velocity Fund was established with support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, whose regional regranting supports vibrant under-the-radar artistic activity by partnering with local cultural institutions. The Velocity Fund is administered by Philadelphia Contemporary, an art organization whose mission is to connect the people and places of Philadelphia through art and partnership.
“Philadelphia Contemporary is deeply grateful to the Andy Warhol Foundation for their decades-long commitment to supporting emerging artists. We are honored to be able to partner with them to help administer the Velocity Fund, which is amongst the most impactful programs serving the diverse and talented artists practicing in our City.”
– Harry Philbrick, Founding Director, Philadelphia Contemporary
“To dovetail with Philadelphia Contemporary’s new addition of the Lived Culture curatorial program, which expands our definition of the arts to encompass non-traditional forms of making, we’re excited to now welcome a wider range of creative and artistic practices to apply for funding through The Velocity Fund”
– Nicole Pollard, Curator of Lived Culture, Philadelphia Contemporary
How to Apply
More from the organization’s official release:
The on-line application will be available beginning Friday, March 25, 2022. Artists will have until Monday, June 6th to complete their proposal. Projects should be experimental in nature and explore collaborative processes between artistic genres. There is no fee to apply.
Applications Open: March 25, 2022 – via Submittable
Applications Due: June 6, 2022
Info Sessions are scheduled March 31 through June 2 – registration links on the News/Events page.
One-on-one applicant support is available by appointment and during scheduled drop-in hours. velocity@philadelphiacontemporary.org

Velocity Fund 2022 Information Sessions
Register to attend one of our free information sessions at velocityfund.org/news-events/ Walk-ins welcome!
Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 6pm
Join Us at Venture Cafe’s Thursday Gathering:
Featuring 2021 Grantee Wi-Moto Nyoka of the podcast Black Women are Scary
Hybrid event: in-person at 3675 Market Street and on-line
Friday, April 22, 2022 at 4pm
In Person Event: Hosted by TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image and Icebox Project Space
Crane Arts Building, 1400 N American Street
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 5:30pm
On-line Event: Joint Information Session with The Leeway Foundation
Friday, April 29th at noon
In Person Event: Hosted by The Sachs Program for Arts Innovation
Arts Lounge at the Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut Street
Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 1pm
In-Person Event: Hosted by Vox Populi
Featuring 2021 Grantee Rami George
Vox Populi, 319 N 11th St #3
Monday, May 2, 2022 at noon
On-line Event: Joint Information Session with CFEVA Philadelphia Open Studio Tours
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 6pm
In-Person Event: Hosted by Philadelphia Folklore Project
Featuring 2021 Grantee Cesar Viveros
Philadelphia Folklore Project, 735 S 50th Street
Friday, May 20, 2022 at 1pm
In Person Event: Joint Information Session with Leeway Foundation
Cherry Street Pier, 121 N Christopher Columbus Blvd
Thursday, June 2 at 1pm
On-Line Event: Joint Information Session with NextFab
Featuring 2021 Grantee Maria Dumlao
About Philadelphia Contemporary and The Andy Warhol Foundation
About Philadelphia Contemporary
Founded in 2016, Philadelphia Contemporary is a contemporary art organization whose mission is to connect the people and places of Philadelphia through art and partnership. Currently nomadic, Philadelphia Contemporary presents visual art, performance art, and spoken word across the city, with ambitions to establish a freestanding, globally oriented, and locally aware non-collecting arts institution.
About The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Regional Regranting Program
The Regional Regranting Program was established in 2007 to recognize and support the movement of independently organized, public-facing, artist-centered activity that animates local and regional art scenes but that lies beyond the reach of traditional funding sources. The program is administered by non-profit visual art centers across the United States that work in partnership with the Foundation to fund artists’ experimental projects and collaborative undertakings.