
Socialist Grocery

In an 8-panel comic titled Socialist Grocery by Oli Knowles the story begins with Sebastian talking to their coworker, "One of my favorite coworkers moved to Chicago years back. This month, she transferred back to our store. I hoped she'd remember me." Looking to Marsha holding a bag of chips Sebastian says, "Hey Marsha. It's Me.", "Can I buy these from you?" In the following right panel Marsha wearing square glasses and tussled black hair says smiling, "Of course! I'm glad to see you again after all these years." Sebastian asks, "Same! What's new?" Marsha responds, "Well me and my partner got a house, a dog, 3 cats, a car - lots of spare time, a beautiful garden..." In the middle left panel Sebastian staring off into the corner asks, "That sounds So nice. What's you partner's name? Marsha responds, "Derek." Sebastian quips back, "Oh, have you ever seen the show 'Life With Derek'?" In the middle a small sliver panel shows Marsha saying, "No! Is it anything like our sweet little life? , "I want to watch it!" In the middle right panel Sebastian in profile looking left says, "Actually, no. It's nothing like your life. It's about these two kids, Kasey and Derek, who become step-siblings and have a clear attraction to eachother. Continuing onto the bottom left panel Sebastian gesturing rants, "Now this was on the Disney Channel which of course made it particularly controversial and shocking. The actors all later came out and admitted they were aware of the 'incest' overtone, and furthermore. They even supported it. That's why the show never made it onto Disney Plus." In the bottom top right panel Marsha confused says, "I don't know why you just told me that." In the bottom right panel Sebastian in defeat says, "I don't know why I told you that either.

Dialog and Transcription

In an 8-panel comic titled Socialist Grocery by Oli Knowles, the story begins with Sebastian talking to their coworker, “One of my favorite coworkers moved to Chicago years back. This month, she transferred back to our store. I hoped she’d remember me.” Looking at Marsha holding a bag of chips Sebastian says, “Hey Marsha. It’s Me.”, “Can I buy these from you?”

In the following right panel, Marsha wearing square glasses and tussled black hair says smiling, “Of course! I’m glad to see you again after all these years.” Sebastian asks, “Same! What’s new?” Marsha responds, “Well me and my partner got a house, a dog, 3 cats, a car – lots of spare time, a beautiful garden…”

In the middle left panel Sebastian staring off into the corner asks, “That sounds So nice. What’s your partner’s name? Marsha responds, “Derek.” Sebastian replies, “Oh, have you ever seen the show ‘Life With Derek’?”

In the middle, a small sliver panel shows Marsha saying, “No! Is it anything like our sweet little life? , “I want to watch it!”

In the middle right panel Sebastian in profile looking left says, “Actually, no. It’s nothing like your life. It’s about these two kids, Kasey and Derek, who become step-siblings and have a clear attraction to each other.”

Continuing onto the bottom left panel Sebastian gesturing says, “Now this was on the Disney Channel which of course made it particularly controversial and shocking. The actors all later came out and admitted they were aware of the ‘incest’ overtone, and furthermore. They even supported it. That’s why the show never made it onto Disney Plus.”

In the bottom top right panel, Marsha confused says, “I don’t know why you just told me that.” In the bottom right panel Sebastian in defeat says, “I don’t know why I told you that either.
