
Space 1026 represents at Yerba Buena

[Ed. note: Gallerist Shelley Spector, friend and mentor of many of the Space 1026 collective and whose gallery represents a number of the young talents, was asked by the group to curate their installation at the Yerba Buena Center‘s show Peer Pleasure 1 which features Space 1026, and two other collectives, Instant Coffee and Royal Art Lodge. Spector and several Space 1026ers went out to San Francisco to install the show and the gallerist promised to report on everybody’s progress — and sanity — during the trip. We got her first post this morning and are hoping for more tomorrow. The show opens Thursday.]

Post from Shelley Spector
Day 4 Space 1026 at Yerba

The seven members of the installation crew have been working for four days. There is a beautiful wall of screen prints that is based on the wall at Space 1026. (photo to come) There is a huge collaborative wall that incorporates screen prints and individual works of art of space members and friends.


Ben Woodward is doing a wheat paste collage of his characters in the main lobby area. Ben’s piece is about 10 feet across and begins about 15 feet up in a 2 story lobby wall. (image shows Gonzo sitting in the Yerba lobby with some Woodward cutouts on the floor waiting to be installed.)

[Because life is no fun if it’s not a little random we asked Spector, a regular contributor to artblog and a pal, to answer a few questions to flesh out her trip, which we imagine to be exciting, frustrating, fun and exhausting. Here’s what she wrote back.]

Q What hotel are you at?

SS I’m at the Commadore Hotel and others are at the Hotel Savoy. My hotel was totally on the cutting edge in the late 80’s.

Q any good food tastings?

SS There is a huge Whole Foods near Yerba complete with whole food alcohol. Thai and burrito tastings are going well.

Q how many hours a day are you all working?

SS From last Friday and we must be out this Wednesday night before the opening

Q are the other collectives installing too?

Instant Coffee came Monday, Royal Art Lodge today

Q is it raining in san francisco?


SS Not yet but I am typing this really fast because it is supposed to rain today and I want to beat the rain. (image is Becky Suss working in the long hall)

Q have you had time to go to San Francisco MoMA across the street?

Not yet, good days for sight seeing will be Thursday and Friday

Q what happened day 1, 2 and 3

SS Planning, unpacking layout and first layer wheatpaste. It took a long time before anything went up. (image is Woodward (r) and Jesse Goldstein working)

Q anything else you want to share.

SS I think Space 1026 will get more opportunities like this because the installation will be beautiful. Four space members made a book — a real book — to go along with the show and it is also beautiful. Space 1026 is really representing.

Q when’s the opening and will you be there?

Thursday night. Lots of people are coming out to show their support. I will be there too.
[to be continued]
