
It’s All About Us!

timothy buckwalter and the ok artists
This is the graphic Timothy put together to announce our curated show to the world. It includes several of the drawings we chose and a painting of ours that Timothy owns. Blogger solidarity across the great expanse.

About a month ago, Timothy Buckwalter, an artist, writer, cartoonist and Tyler grad now living in California wrote to Libby and me asking us to curate an online exhibit of his drawings. We know Timothy from cyberspace — he’s a blogger and a flickr pal of ours and we’ve seen his word- and cartoon-drawings and admired them from afar. So of course we said we’d curate a show of his works.

And then, when he said it would be easy — not more than an hour of work, we knew we were in for it. Because in our experience there is the factor of 4 regarding all things art. However long you think it will take you to do something, the real length of time it takes will generally be four-times more than that.

But we set to work and looked and prowled through his drawings (all laid out nicely on his website) and we picked a dozen works, and wrote up a little essay and sent it off in the email. And we beat the 4-factor!! It only took us a 2-factor, a couple hours, to speed-curate the show. It’s up now and will be gone by next Monday or Tuesday so check it out. We think we did good. We know Timothy did good. The works are for sale.

We titled the show “It’s all about us!” because it seems that we indeed did pick works that reflected us. Here’s our essay.

It’s All About Us!

A show of Timothy Buckwalter’s drawings curated by Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof

We picked art by Timothy Buckwalter that expresses something about who we are. Since it expresses who we are it probably speaks to a lot of other people as well.

Who are we? Timothy gives us some answers. We are rewriters of history, our own and everyone elses. We love to get notes and are forever writing them. We have trouble picking the right record because we love them all. We go around kissing people or we email people smooches.

We have trouble with reality. We use exclamation points ad nauseum! The light pours out of us!! We don’t think we look like terrorists but we think some people are afraid of us. We are prisoners of our blog. We love little old men typing on typewriters and we type a lot ourselves, all of us veering into fiction. Who we aren’t is those men and women sitting nude in the circle in “He was who he was. The harder question, the one with no answers, then or now, is who was I.” As for Buckwalter, he is who he is and we’re happy to know him!

